SNAKE REMOVAL (up to 1/2 hour)
The licensed & trained wildlife technician(s) will search for up to 30 minutes to locate, hand capture and remove the snake from your house or property. It is a flat-rate fee.
No per snake fee, no venomous snake fees. In other words it is not the amount of snakes that determine the price. It does not matter if we remove zero or countless snakes the price is the same for the time spent.
We are tremendously successful when it comes to locating snakes. However, we are dealing with wildlife and it is unpredictable. If we come out, whether or not we find the snake(s) or not, we get paid for the effort.
After a careful inspection, we provide you with a list of the things in your yard that you need to change to make your yard less hospitable to snakes. This list you can either implement yourself or provide to your lawn care company or handyman to make the changes for you. If a snake is not given the comfort & security it is looking for it will keep moving… right out of your yard!
After many years of providing snake control services, we have finally found a repellent that we feel confident in its abilities to offer to our clients. It is only offered as an add-on to our SNAKE CONTROL SERVICES.
It is safe to humans, plants or other animals and does not leave behind the typical mothball smell of all other repellents using Naphthalene.
If Bitten, PLEASE CALL “911” immediately –
PLEASE DO NOT CALL US …Every minute counts!!!
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