If you have beavers causing damage to your property we can come out and provide beaver trapping services. We quickly resolve the problem.
We can give a pretty good range estimate after asking questions over the phone. However, please understand we can only trap on your property. Even if you are paying for it, we cannot go on the right-of-way, unknown property in the woods, or to the other side of a pond just because you say no one will care. With that told, If it is not your property we cannot trespass.
We charge a flat rate trapping fee for all animals including Beaver. When we quote the price for beaver trapping they always include up to two weeks worth of trapping. Some trappers charge a set-up fee and a fee for each animal they trap. We opted to charge a flat-rate fee – period.
Our trapping services are all-inclusive, which includes up to ten (10) visits. We could pull the traps early if we determine there isn’t any beaver left. In the State of Georgia, all trappers are required to check all traps, every single day, with no exceptions.
Once we complete the beaver trapping, we can provide you with a quote to restore the natural water flow to the area.